Our goal is to nurture teens and their individual relationships with Jesus.

Join us for dinner out!  The Youth Group is hosting a Spirit Night fundraiser at Five Guys in Salem, NH (near Chili's) on January 9th from 5-8pm.  Save the date to help our teens go to Camp Berea in January.  


Note:  Please be sure to tell Five Guys you are there for the MCCC Fundraiser.  A percentage of the proceeds will go to the MCCC Youth Group attending camp. 

Scholarships:  Send one of our teens to Camp Berea.  Please touch base with the office or Sam Guen.  The cost of camp has gone up to $260.  Anything helps!


Dine In
Mobile App

Save the date and join us for a fun filled weekend in Hebron NH at Camp Berea's Deep Freeze!  This is the time to put this on your Christmas list.  


Total Cost is $260.  Includes transportation, lodging, food, and fun for the weekend!

Payment Schedule:
November 20  |  Deposit due - $60
December 18  |  2nd payment due - $100
January 15  |  Last payment due - $100



We'll be at MCCC each week from 6-8pm. Our evenings will typically be divided into 3rds... game time, lesson time, and small groups. We work hard to create an environment that will both challenge and grow our mature students, while still being a place where someone with no church context could come for the first time and feel loved and welcome. 

AWANA Trek & Journey

For students in 7th - 12th Grade

Learning scripture, discussing the Bible and supporting each other. This is a self paced program for those that want to continue in the Awana program.

Find a place to plug in!

Sunday School
Girls Group Bible Study
Youth Group
Trek & Journey


Stay up to date on all the things happening at Youth Group.

From upcoming events to current topics being studied. 


Camp Berea, Hebron, NH

Download pictures and videos from youth events!